Usage Of Jammers In Hospitals

The ideal atmosphere of a hospital is quite depressive and stressful. There is a lot of hustle and bustle going on in general wards and emergency wards whereas pin drop silence is expected to be maintained in the operation theatres. Not to forget, we are surrounded with nincompoops who find it difficult to understand how to behave at what place. Needless to explain, there is a need for a solution that puts an end to this kind of nuisance. Mobile Phone Signal Jammers are a definite solution to put an end to the connectivity device based issues in various areas inside the hospital.

It would be wrong to say that the entire hospital vicinity must be equipped with jammers since the staff, the patients admitted in the hospital, the relatives of the patients need to contact the outside world. There is no way that barring cellular communication in the complete hospital campus would lead to a positive result. There is a fine line between a necessary communication and the communication that causes disturbance.

To create a balance in a situation like this the most wise decision will be install low radius jammers in and around operation theatres. Leaving the rest of the hospital campus to be jammer free so that the hospital staff, the patients and their relatives can make make the necessary phone calls in the other wards of the hospital.

So, now that we are aware of where the jammers are used in the hospital, let us gain a clear perspective on why are jammers used in the hospitals:

To avoid disturbance:

Under strict government permission and a valid license the hospitals use mobile signal jammers to cut down any kind of unwanted communication.

To avoid frequency merge of the radio signal operated medical devices and the cellular signals:

The hospitals bring into use many radio signal machines. The signal of these machines can be interrupted by the cellular signals, bluetooth signals or the wireless devices used by the visitors or the hospital staff. The signal jammers are capable of blocking a specific kind of frequency. Thus, the frequency that is capable of merging or disturbing the radio signal operated medical devices, are blocked with the help of jammers.

To Conclude

The use of jammers in hospitals is practiced under the permission and guidance of the government. There is a legal license issued by the government for the usage of jammers by the hospitals. There are certain areas in a hospital where the signals are jammed using mobile network jammers to avoid disturbance in that area.


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